Upper Camp

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Upper camp

Upper camp is the half of camp for the older campers. It is located on the different side of campus and uphill from Lower Camp. Upper Camp cabins hold 8 campers or more and two counselors. Upper Camp lights out is forty-five minutes later than Lower Camp lights out. When there are too many Senior Campers for just Pete's Cabin 8 becomes part of Upper Camp to hold the extra senior campers.

Random Upper Camp facts

In 1983, Upper Camp, which was Eagles and Buzzards, had a toga party involving bug juice and sweets, but more importantly music and goodtimes.

There is a "Upper Camp Quad" with a fire pit and wooden seats (usually birch stumps) located in the middle between Owl's, Buzzard's, and Eagle's. This area was constructed in 2000 by the Art program when it was run by Ryno. This quad is now the primary location for Cabin Night.

Owl's Perch is the newest cabin in Upper Camp, Eagle's Nest is the oldest cabin, and Uncle Tom's Cabin no longer exists but was in the location of Pete's Palace and is almost completely forgotten about.

Upper Camp is considered the more defensible location for Cross Camp Capture the Flag because the flag is first placed in the Upper Camp Quad.

A checker board was carved into the very large stump downhill of Owl's in 2000 by Thomas Joyce, the tree that stood there can be seen in old photos of Upper Camp.

Sound from Pete's Palace echoes off the Tennis Court directly to the lodge producing odd sounds.

Oddly the Upper Camp wash house has much smaller toilet stalls that the Lower Camp wash house.

List of Upper Camp cabins

Third age group

Fourth age group